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Fire Service & Wye Strainers

Fire-protection systems are a crucial part of any business or building in general. Having an effective fire safety system allows for peace of mind—not only for a building owner but also for all of those who are involved with the location. That’s why each piece of your system, including strainers for fire protection, needs to be made with quality and experience backing its creation. Here at Backflow Direct, we offer that and more when it comes to our fire-protection strainers. Each of our wye strainers is made out of epoxy-coated steel bodies that are sure to stand the test of time. Given our wide variety of pressure limits available among our fire-protection wye strainers, we ensure that we have a piece that will work with your system’s output.

Select Products Ship in 24 Hours
  1. Backflow Direct - Strainers - 6 8000-F
    Wye Strainer (Flanged) 8000-F Lead Free Wye-Pattern Strainer
  2. Backflow Direct - Strainers - 3 8000-G
    Wye Strainer (Grooved) 8000-G Lead Free Wye-Pattern Strainer
  3. Backflow Direct - Strainers - 8 7002-2CO-FLGxFLG
    Fire Service Basket Strainer (Flanged) Ames 7002-2CO-FLGxFLG
  4. Backflow Direct - Strainers - 6 7002-2CO-GRVxGRV
    Fire Service Basket Strainer (Grooved) Ames 7002-2CO-GRVxGRV